Tuesday, September 10, 2013

You Boat

You Boat, Therefore You Mold…

David Levesque

Sounds like a silly phrase doesn't it? I admit it’s a bit of a stretch, but if you’re reading this then hopefully it worked. But let’s be honest, it makes sense right? Come on, show of hands: How many of you out there have simply come to accept mold and the associated odors as part of your boating lifestyle? And if you tell me you don’t have any mold on your boat then your brain’s been taking on water. First introduced in 2008 and quickly regarded worldwide in the Mega-yacht industry as a superior, chemical-free, all-natural alternative to eliminate mold, bacteria and fungi, Kanberra Gel has been experiencing growth across the country in a variety of markets ranging from our extensive presence in marine and on into hardware, pets, natural foods and holistic pharmacies. And in that time frame we have come to fully believe boating brings mold and odors.  

A semi-solid, biodegradable gel composition made with pharmaceutical-grade Australian Tea Tree Oil, Kanberra Gel dissipates into the air to break down mildew, molds, and viruses at the molecular level.  Tea Tree Oil is known around the globe as a natural antiseptic most commonly used topically. Thanks to the formula in Kanberra Gel, those same antiseptic and antifungal properties can now be realized though an airborne release. This completely natural gel disperses and suspends microscopic droplets of oil which are then circulated around the vessel. There are no synthetic perfumes or chlorine bleach, just clean air, the way nature intended.

Kanberra Gel Takes the Midwest Boating Region by Storm!….It’s been long overdue but we finally made our way to the Scuttlebutt readership area in search of some shelf space. And the region responded with open arms. Many of the readers have e-mailed us to inquire as to where to purchase Kanberra Gel. Well look no further. Along the St. Croix River we’d like to welcome the Wolf brothers Eric and Ken from Wolf Marine, Dana and the crew at St. Croix Marina, Cliff and the team at beautiful Bayport Marina, the gang at Afton Marina & Yacht Club and thanks to Joe Riley at Windmill Marina for using the product on his own boat! To the west Kanberra Gel can now be found at Wayzata Marine on gorgeous Lake Minnetonka and a little further north sitting right near Andy at MarineMax in Rogers. If you happen to find yourself enjoying the pristine tranquility of the Apostle Islands be sure to stop in and pick some up at Pikes Bay Marina in Bayfield. We’re thrilled to have our product represented in all these fine locations.

Look for Us Around the Globe….If your travels take you outside the region, Kanberra Gel can be found in over 375 distributors, retailers, marinas, yacht yards and ports-of-call stretching from New England to San Diego, Ft. Lauderdale to Seattle, Detroit to Milwaukee, across the Caribbean, Mediterranean and Europe. We have been told by industry experts, very few times before has one product paid such an immediate and significant benefit to the boating industry.  It’s a classic example of problem/solution. Only this time, the solution is so unique, and most importantly, it works! We are constantly roaming from coast to coast working hard to educate the boating pubic on the benefits of this revolutionary blend of all-natural antiseptic oils – airborne. Follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/kanberragel or visit http://www.kanberragel.com/ for a complete list of locations.  

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