Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Storage Season is Coming

Storage Season is Coming…And So is the Mold…

STOP IT Before it Occurs!

David Levesque

First of all, don’t give us a hard time for bringing up the end of boating season. It’s not our fault Mother Nature didn’t exactly play nice this year. Hopefully most of you were able to log some precious time on the water but let’s face facts; haul-outs and shrink wrap are in the near future. So what is your plan this year to combat the moisture and mold that inevitably occurs every off-season? Let me guess; hanging desiccant bags right? Oh wait, those eventually saturate and end up dripping everywhere. What about the moisture buckets? Oh that’s right, we’ve been informed they do the same thing as the bags so you’ve got to place them in the sink, but then that’s no good either because you certainly can’t have any overflow moisture draining into the pipes during freezing temperatures. So that leaves you with the chlorine dioxide pouches. What? You can’t use those within 18” of fabrics, electronics or metals? Well then, where in the name of Neptune are you supposed to put them on a boat? Certainly seems like the options are becoming increasingly limited.  

OK, so maybe it seems we’re picking a little too much on the traditional storage methods for preventing moisture and mold. But we must be honest. With all our travels this past year we’re only repeating what we’ve been told by you, the boating public and people in the industry. The overwhelming theme is that you’re running out of options. So let’s look at some facts; storage in the north, barring extenuating weather issues, is going to be anywhere from 5 to 7 months long. During that time the condition of your boat when it’s first stored will be challenged throughout the off-season by an increasingly humid environment, limited ventilation, active mold and bacteria spores waiting for the right chance to nurture and, in some parts of the country, freezing temperatures. And let’s not forget the literal greenhouse created when the above mentioned goodies have the opportunity to bake in the heat.  

We’ve already run through the various traditional processes and the recent frustrations associated with them, which are well documented. We know moisture will accumulate in the boat during storage and should be controlled in some way. However we also know that even if we are successful to some degree in removing that moisture most of us will still have mold growth and odor presence in the spring. So now what? Let us suggest you try thinking outside the box a bit. What if we offered a solution in the form of a product that can rid the air of mold, bacteria, fungi and even some viruses, naturally and without any chemicals we might add, and when used during storage will prevent mold growth and odors? That product is Kanberra Gel.  

Now before you roll your eyes and think this is just some self-serving promotion read on a bit further. For the past couple years many readers of this publication and your fellow boaters from Maine to San Diego, and Miami to Seattle, have been using Kanberra Gel in storage and throughout the season with well documented success. Originally introduced in 2008 and quickly regarded worldwide in the Mega-yacht industry as a superior, all-natural product to eliminate mold, bacteria and fungi, Kanberra Gel has been experiencing growth across the country in a variety of markets. And we might add, Kanberra Gel not only has an extensive presence in marine, but can also be found in over 400 locations throughout the country ranging from hardware and pet stores, natural foods and holistic pharmacies.

A semi-solid, biodegradable gel composition made with pharmaceutical-grade Australian Tea Tree Oil, Kanberra Gel dissipates into the air to break down bacteria, molds, and fungi at the molecular level. Tea Tree Oil is known around the globe as a natural antiseptic most commonly used topically. Thanks to the formula in Kanberra Gel, those same antiseptic and antifungal properties are experienced through an airborne release. On boats, this completely natural gel disperses droplets of oil which are then circulated around the vessel. There are no synthetic perfumes or chlorine bleach, just clean air, the way nature intended. We’ve been told by industry experts, very few times before has one product made such an immediate and significant impact on the marine industry. It’s a classic example of problem/solution. Only this time, the solution is so unique and it simply works.    

Too good to be true you say? Well we certainly can’t blame you for reacting in that manner. But the facts are what they are. Don’t take my word for it; look online, check with your local marina or even contact us directly. We’re certain you’ll find Kanberra Gel to be the product you’ve been waiting for to protect your investment. Follow us on Facebook or visit www.kanberragel.com for additional information and a complete list of locations. Soft Seas….

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