A Clean Smell is Not Always Clean Air…
David Levesque
What artificial smell do you associate with fresh, clean air? Could it be that ever distinct pine forest? Maybe it’s a vast meadow of wildflowers? Or how about a gentle ocean breeze or possibly even crisp mountain air? Well, what if I told you none of the above! What if I offered the possibility that the aforementioned smells were not at all clean air but instead are most likely causing more harm than good? The fragrances and odors left behind when we use cleaning products or “air fresheners”, intended to give us that “feeling” of fresh air, are actually chemical off- gases better known as VOC’s or Volatile Organic Compounds. In sufficient quantities, VOCs can cause eye, nose, and throat irritations, headaches or dizziness. Now that I have your attention, what if I told you a product exists that can rid the air of impurities like mold, bacteria, fungi and even some viruses and leave behind a true clean, fresh smell of simply, nothing. That product is Kanberra Gel.
Already a staple in the Mega-yacht industry, Kanberra Gel has been making waves in many marine-related areas, as well as RV and automotive storage, pet stores, hardware stores and pharmacies throughout the US, Canada, Caribbean and Europe.
A semi-solid, biodegradable gel composition made with pharmaceutical-grade Australian Tea Tree Oil, Kanberra Gel dissipates into the air to break down mildew, molds, and viruses at the molecular level. Tea Tree Oil is known around the world as a natural antiseptic most commonly used topically. Thanks to the formula in Kanberra Gel, those same antiseptic and antifungal properties can now be realized though an airborne release. There are no synthetic perfumes or chlorine bleach, just truly clean air. Kanberra Gel is currently in use worldwide and is receiving rave reviews from captains, crews and vessel owners who attest it to be a superior alternative to chemical-based products on the market due to its long-lasting performance, ease of use and all-natural properties.
Kanberra Gel is packaged in sealed, drip-free plastic containers that are placed either within a yacht’s air handling units, or simply out in the open. Because Kanberra Gel offers superior protection against mold, its health benefits are obvious. Kanberra Gel comes in 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32-oz containers and refills. If you would like to see Kanberra Gel sold in your local marina or specialty retailer please e-mail us and we’ll get working right on it! For a complete list of our locations visit http://www.kanberragel.com/.
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