Rethinking Marine Vessel Air Quality - Part Five
David Levesque
Surface Protection & Fall Storage Preparation
The fall season is here which means we’ll soon be pulling our vessels out of the water and preparing them for winter storage. Throughout the last 4 articles, we at the Kanberra Group have been sharing our experiences and knowledge on the topic of Yacht Air Quality (YAQ). Combining more than two decades in air quality research and improvement, the Kanberra Group has been working closely with various areas of the marine industry to better understand the needs of boat owners, yacht captains and crews and provide detailed programmatic solutions to enhance marine experience and vessel maintenance. It is commonly accepted among yacht owners that the air inside cabin interiors will always have a certain aroma, a by-product of being out on the water. There is also the, again accepted, existence of mold and mildew, and the inevitable labor that comes with removing it from the yachts after storage and in-between use. Seafarers believe this is the way it has always been, and so it will always be. There is no need to re-invent the wheel for YAQ. Many air quality solutions have been successfully utilized by the Kanberra Group on US Navy ships and other large vessels, as well as commercial buildings and hospitals. These solutions are easily adaptable to any size marine vessel.Already a staple in the Mega-yacht industry, Kanberra Gel is making waves in many marine-related areas, as well as RV and automotive storage, pet stores, hardware stores and pharmacies. A semi-solid, biodegradable gel composition made with pharmaceutical-grade Australian Tea Tree Oil, Kanberra Gel dissipates into the air to break down mildew, molds, bacteria and viruses at the molecular level. Tea Tree Oil is known around the globe as a natural antiseptic most commonly used topically. Thanks to the formula in Kanberra Gel, those same antiseptic and antifungal properties can now be realized though an airborne release. Visit for more details.
In a previous article, we discussed how air filters in your heating and cooling system are an essential component in establishing and maintaining YAQ. The first rule of any air quality management program is “source control”. Remove the contaminants and you improve the conditions. Proper filtration allows for the control and removal of most of those contaminants, thus improving the quality of air flowing through the coil which in turn assists in coil maintenance, reducing ductwork debris accumulation and improving air flow. Kanberra Group’s exclusive 3-layer anti-microbial Kanberra Filters offer distinct advantages by allowing particles to load throughout the depth of the media, without clogging the first layer and reducing air flow. Kanberra Filters also have an internal wire frame which results in a better fit within the filter rack. This alone reduces bypass found with most cardboard frame filters. Kanberra Filters feature an antimicrobial treatment which reduces airborne microorganisms by up to 86.5% in one pass of air and are available through
A previous article detailed how in the indoor air quality industry we pay special attention to VOC’s (Volatile Organic Compounds) and how to control them. VOC’s are emitted from housekeeping and maintenance products such as finishes, rug and oven cleaners, paints and lacquers, paint strippers, pesticides and building and furnishing materials. To limit your exposure to harmful VOC’s, consider selecting products labeled as being low-VOC emitting. Many of today’s paints are manufactured to this degree. Always use products with adequate ventilation, and in the event the culprit is a new piece of furniture or building material, use every opportunity possible to introduce fresh air into the area.
Another alternative is a revolutionary new cleaning product called Activeion which uses the method of “Water Electrolysis” to effectively transform pure tap water into a general purpose cleaner and sanitizer. The water molecules are split into both acidic and alkaline droplets that clean and sanitize on contact. This one product alone can replace 8-10 of your normal household and marine cleaning products. Best of all, zero VOC emissions! More information on Activeion can be obtained by contacting the Kanberra Group.
The first rule of any air quality management program is “source control”. Remove the contaminants and you improve the conditions. However, and especially in marine applications, HVAC system equipment soiling is unavoidable. Soiling associated with microbial growth is especially difficult to clean. This microbial growth can create a “Bio-film”, or membrane that essentially blankets the fins, eating away at the cooling coil over time and decreasing the amount of air passing through the system. Technicians must often resort to harsh or outright toxic cleaning compounds, reducing the life of the coil, or replace the cooling coil altogether. Anyway you slice it, it all adds up to additional costs for the boat owner. The Kanberra Group offers a simple solution: We use an advanced enzyme cleaner and post-cleaning treatment. The cleaner effectively removes any existing bacteria or fungi and the treatment leaves a thin coating on the coil surface inhibiting bacterial growth for at least 12 months. And best of all, the coils can be cleaned and treated without removing the system. Additional information on coil maintenance can be obtained by contacting the Kanberra Group.
Surface Protection and Winter Storage
No one cares more about your investment than you do. And the Kanberra Group understands this affection. You certainly work hard to protect your vessel during the season, so why not give her the best care possible during storage? We trust you follow or pay someone to follow a strict program of winterization, however, inevitably you will have some mold and odors come spring. Microorganisms will take residence in your boats’ canvas, upholstery, cushions and carpeting for the duration of winter. During the unfailing thaw in January/February, these microorganisms will come out to play. Kanberra Group is currently endorsing a product called Permanon, a non-toxic line of surface protection products already used in commercial facilities, aviation, automotive, and marine. When applied, nano-engineered particles of Permanon elecro-statically bond and fill microscopic cracks and fissures that naturally occur in solid surfaces. A cleaned surface treated with Permanon is better able to resist microbial growth. Since cleaning alone will not remove 100% of microorganisms embedded in the cracks and fissures, the application of Permanon essentially “fills” these areas preventing any existing embedded microorganisms from breeding and new microorganisms from taking residence. Additional information on Permanon is available by contacting the Kanberra Group.
Of course, no decommissioning program is complete without Kanberra Gel. Many storage yards across the Northeast and Great Lakes are beginning to incorporate Kanberra Gel into their winterization programs. A canister of Kanberra Gel placed in the vessel with all cabin doors, cabinets and lockers left open will provide protection for the duration of storage. In an enclosed environment the Kanberra Gel vapor will blanket the cabin areas, penetrate the canvas, upholstery, cushions and carpeting and elminate and control any microorganisms ensuring an easier spring clean-up. Insist your storage program includes Permanon and Kanberra Gel today!
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