Rethinking Marine Vessel Air Quality - Part Three
David Levesque
As mentioned in the previous blogs, combining two decades in air quality research and improvement, the Kanberra Group has begun to work closely with various areas of the marine industry to better understand the needs of boat owners, yacht captains and crews and provide detailed programmatic solutions to enhance marine experience and vessel maintenance. It has been our goal to introduce these solutions one at a time in hopes of providing a broader knowledge base on Yacht Air Quality (YAQ) to the readers.
As mentioned in the last article, it is often accepted among yacht owners that the air inside cabin interiors will always have a certain aroma, a by-product of being out on the water. There is also the accepted existence of mold and mildew, and the inevitable labor that comes with removing it from the yachts after storage and in-between use. Seafarers believe this is the way it has always been, and so it will always be. Today there are many technologies and systems available to help optimize and maintain YAQ. A variety of effective techniques and methods for improving cabin air and interiors not only enhance the well-being of passengers, but also improves the maintenance of the craft itself. There is no need to re-invent the wheel for YAQ. Many air quality solutions have been successfully utilized by the Kanberra Group on US Navy ships and other large vessels, as well as commercial buildings and hospitals. These solutions are easily adaptable to any size marine vessel.
Already a staple in the Mega-yacht industry, Kanberra Gel has been making waves in many marine-related areas, as well as RV and automotive storage. A semi-solid, biodegradable gel composition made with pharmaceutical-grade Australian Tea Tree Oil, Kanberra Gel dissipates into the air to break down mildew, molds, and viruses at the molecular level. Tea Tree Oil is known around the globe as a natural antiseptic most commonly used topically. Thanks to the formula in Kanberra Gel, those same antiseptic and antifungal properties can now be realized though an airborne release. Touted as being able to clean the air while saving money on costly upkeep, Kanberra Gel effectively eliminates mechanical and upholstery damaging mold and odors while blanketing the cabin with a protective vapor enhancing overall cabin air quality and comfort. You can visit for more details.
Air filters in your heating and cooling system are an essential component in establishing and maintaining YAQ. The first rule of any air quality management program is “source control”. Remove the contaminants and you improve the conditions. Proper filtration allows for the control and removal of most of those contaminants, thus improving the quality of air flowing through the coil which in turn assists in coil maintenance, reducing ductwork debris accumulation and improving air flow. The latter translates into less strain on the air handler resulting in higher energy efficiency. Kanberra Group’s exclusive 3-ply antimicrobial filter offers distinct advantages and costs less than pleated filters that can be purchased in discount outlets. With a unique 3-ply construction, Kanberra Filters allow particles to load throughout the depth of the media, from large to small particles without clogging the first layer and reducing air flow. The Kanberra Filters also have an internal wire frame which results in a better fit within the filter rack. This alone reduces bypass found with most cardboard frame filters. Kanberra Filters feature an antimicrobial treatment which reduces airborne microorganisms by up to 86.5% in one pass of air. Kanberra Filters are available through
Chemical and Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Reductions
David Levesque
Every year, Americans pour a total of 5,280 tons of cleaning chemicals down drains. What we may not realize, in addition to being flat-out environmentally UN-friendly, one out of every three of those products is harmful to humans, animals and plant life. Virtually every cleaning chemical label contains a human health warning — and for good reason. The potentially harmful chemicals in most cleaners vary from mild hydrogen peroxide in the greenest to well-documented poisons in the most toxic. Now most consumers are familiar with the hazards of ingesting or inhaling these products. However there exists another risk not commonly discussed: The release, or “off-gassing”, of Volatile Organic Compounds, better known as “VOC’s”.
In the indoor air quality industry we pay special attention to VOC’s and how to control them as many studies have been performed on the negative effects they can pose to your health. VOC’s are compounds that vaporize (become a gas) at room temperature. Common sources which may emit VOCs into indoor air include housekeeping and maintenance products such as finishes, rug and oven cleaners, paints and laquers, paint strippers, pesticides and building and furnishing materials. In sufficient quantities, VOCs can cause eye, nose, and throat irritations, headaches, dizziness, visual disorders, memory impairment; some are known to cause cancer in animals; some are suspected of causing, or are known to cause, cancer in humans. At present, not much is known about what health effects occur at the levels of VOCs typically found in public and commercial buildings, however what is known is that any overexposure to VOC’s can have adverse effects on health.
To limit your exposure to harmful VOC’s, consider selecting products labeled as being low-VOC emitting. Many of today’s paints are manufactured to this degree. Always use any chemical products with adequate ventilation, and in the event the culprit is a new piece of furniture or building material, use every opportunity possible to introduce fresh air into the area. One new alternative to this dilemma of cleaning is a revolutionary new product called Activeion. This product uses the method of “Water Electrolysis” to effectively transform pure tap water into a general purpose cleaner and sanitizer. Essentially the water molecules are split into both acidic and alkaline droplets that clean and sanitize on contact. This one product alone can replace 8-10 of your normal household and marine cleaning products. Best of all, with zero VOC emissions, Activeion is the perfect compliment to your new YAQ program. More information on Activeion can be obtained by calling the Kanberra Group at 1-800-683-0021.
Fall is Beautiful...Fall Allergies are Painful
One in five people in the US has asthma or allergy symptoms which accounts for about 55% of the US population including both children and adults. Allergies rank 5th among chronic diseases in the US and are responsible for multiple ER visits and missed work or school. An allergy occurs when the body’s natural defense system overreacts to allergens like pollen, dust mites, animal dander, mold, latex and certain foods. Allergies and asthma symptoms may also be triggered by changes in the seasons and some sufferers may find that their symptoms are worse during one particular season. Pollen counts tend to be high during the fall in certain geographical locations and mold can develop in windy weather or in the fall. Some people may be susceptible to year-round allergies because of exposure to indoor molds. When you react to these allergens, you may experience a runny nose, coughing, itching, hives, headaches, red, itching, painful, burning or watery eyes or other symptoms. Most of these reactions are mild and tolerable but there are others that can make your life miserable and then a few others can be sudden and life-threatening. Some allergens may trigger asthma, a chronic respiratory problem that can cause wheezing, coughing and difficulty breathing. There is no cure for asthma and its symptoms can get worse at any time. There are also irritants like pollution, chemicals including fragrance, and smoke that can negatively affect your airways and cause these symptoms which can last for weeks or even months.
There is no cure for allergies or asthma but you can devise a plan that can help avoid triggers and manage, control or reduce your symptoms so you can live a productive, active and healthy life. Triggers are the irritants and allergens that make your symptoms feel worse and intolerable. Below is a list of things you can do to avoid triggers and to manage symptoms:
- Avoid stressful situations as much as possible. Try some relaxation techniques and other stress busting activities.
- Exercise indoors in cold weather and when pollution is high. Consider changing your exercise routine when your symptoms are not well-controlled.
- Maintain a clean and dry home environment. Clean air filters or replace them at least once a year and clean heating vents before turning the heat on for the first time. If you have carpeting, have it professionally cleaned at least every 12 months. Use a vacuum cleaner that has a high quality filter. Wear a mask when cleaning, dusting or using cleaning agents with strong scents. Use a damp mop for dusting. Make sure you don’t have any water leaks. Have someone else clean areas of your house where mold growth may be a problem.
- Avoid cleaning products with irritating ingredients or chemicals like deodorizers or perfumes.
- Avoid using humidifiers to prevent growth of mold. Use a dehumidifier during humid weather.
- Use feather-free bedding or mite-proof covers. Wash them frequently using hot water.
- If you have a pet, keep it out of your bedroom or out of your house or your car. Bathe your pet at least every two weeks and wash your hands frequently. Use an air purifier with a HEPA filter in your bedroom.
- Wash your hands often. Wash off and change your clothes after being outdoors.
- Avoid cigarette smoke. If you smoke, quit. Don’t allow others to smoke in your home or car.
- Consider using air purifying and deodorizing products with natural ingredients.
- Remove clothes from the washer and dry them immediately.
Rethinking Marine Vessel Air Quality - Part Two
David Levesque
Combining two decades of air quality research and improvement, the Kanberra Group had begun to work closely with various areas of the marine industry to better understand the needs of boat owners, yacht captains and crews and provide detailed programmatic solutions to enhance marine experience and vessel maintenance. As mentioned in the last post, it is often accepted among yacht owners that the air inside cabin interiors will always have a certain aroma, a by-product of being out on the water. There is also the accepted existence of mold and mildew, and the inevitable labor that comes with removing it from the yachts after storage and in-between use. Seafarers believe this is the way it has always been, and so it will always be. Today there are many technologies and systems available to help optimize and maintain YAQ. A variety of effective techniques and methods for improving cabin air and interiors not only enhance the well-being of passengers, but also improves the maintenance of the craft itself. There is no need to re-invent the wheel for YAQ. Many air quality solutions have been successfully utilized by the Kanberra Group on US Navy ships and other large vessels, as well as commercial buildings and hospitals. These solutions are easily adaptable to any size marine vessel.
Already a staple in the Mega-yacht industry, Kanberra Gel is making waves in many marine-related areas, as well as RV and automotive storage. A semi-solid, biodegradable gel composition made with pharmaceutical-grade Australian Tea Tree Oil, Kanberra Gel dissipates into the air to break down mildew, molds, and viruses at the molecular level. Tea Tree Oil is known around the globe as a natural antiseptic most commonly used topically. Thanks to the formula in Kanberra Gel, those same antiseptic and antifungal properties can now be realized though an airborne release. Touted as being able to clean the air while saving money on costly upkeep, Kanberra Gel effectively eliminates mechanical and upholstery
damaging mold and odors while blanketing the cabin with a protective vapor enhancing overall cabin air quality and comfort. Kanberra Gel is packaged in sealed, drip-free plastic containers that are placed either within a yacht’s air handling units, or simply out in the open. Kanberra Gel is currently available at select retailers and distributors and the list is growing to include chandleries all around the Great Lakes. You can also visit for more information.
Air filters in your heating and cooling system are an essential component in establishing and maintaining YAQ. The first rule of any air quality management program is “source control”. Remove the contaminants and you improve the conditions. Proper filtration allows for the control and removal of most of those contaminants, thus improving the quality of air flowing through the coil which in turn assists in coil maintenance, reducing duct work debris accumulation and improving air flow. The latter translates into less strain on the air handler
resulting in higher energy efficiency. Two schools of thought are typically debated for filtration: 1) The denser the filter, the greater the efficiency of absorption, however the larger strain on the air handler or 2) The less dense the filtration the less efficiency of absorption, however the less strain on the motor. Both are true in most cases however what if you could have a dense filter with high absorption but at the same time maintain efficient air flow? Kanberra Group’s exclusive 3-ply antimicrobial filter offers distinct advantages and costs less than pleated filters that can be purchased in discount outlets. With a unique 3-ply construction, Kanberra Filters allow particles to load throughout the depth of the media, from large to small particles without clogging the first layer and reducing air flow. The Kanberra Filters also have an internal wire frame which results in a better fit within the filter rack. This alone reduces bypass found with most cardboard frame filters. Did you know that a ¼ inch gap between a cardboard filter frame and track will leak or bypass 30% of air volume, thus negating the filters purpose and rated filter efficiency? The 3-ply Kanberra Filter seals for 100% LEAK-FREE filtration. Kanberra Filters are also made with 100% synthetic fibers which are not affected at all by moisture and humidity, unlike the traditional cotton-polyester media most commonly used in other filters. Lastly, air filters can be a barrier to micro-organisms and at the same time a collection site for microbial growth. This alone will translate to nasty growth on the A/C coils. Kanberra Filters feature an
antimicrobial treatment which reduces airborne microorganisms by up to 86.5%. Contact us here for more information on Kanberra Filters.
Rethinking Marine Vessel Air Quality
David Levesque
It is often accepted among yacht owners that the air inside cabin interiors always has a certain aroma, a by-product of being out on the water. There is also the accepted existence of mold and mildew, and the inevitable labor that comes with removing it from the yachts after storage and in-between use. Seafarers believe this is the way it has always been, and so it will always be. Today there are many technologies and systems available to help optimize and maintain yacht air quality (YAQ). A variety of effective techniques and methods for improving cabin air and interiors not only enhance the well-being of passengers, but also improves the maintenance of the craft itself. There is no need to re-invent the wheel for YAQ. Many air quality solutions have been successfully utilized on US Navy ships and other large vessels on the water today as well as commercial buildings and hospitals. These solutions are easily adaptable to any size marine vessel. The Kanberra Group, combining more than two decades in air quality research and improvement, had begun to work closely with various areas of the marine industry several years ago to better understand the needs of boat owners, yacht captains and crews and provide detailed programmatic solutions to enhance marine experience and vessel maintenance.
Already a staple in the Mega-Yacht industry, Kanberra Gel has been making waves in many marine-related areas, as well as RV and automotive storage. A semi-solid, biodegradable gel composition made with pharmaceutical-grade Australian Tea Tree Oil, Kanberra Gel dissipates into the air to break down mildew, molds, and viruses at the molecular level. Tea Tree Oil is known around the globe as a natural antiseptic most commonly used topically. Thanks to the formula in Kanberra Gel, those same antiseptic and antifungal properties can now be realized though an airborne release. This completely natural gel disperses droplets of oil which are then circulated around the vessel. There are no synthetic perfumes or chlorine bleach, just a natural eucalyptus and lemon scent. Touted as being able to clean the air while saving money on costly upkeep, Kanberra Gel effectively eliminates mechanical and upholstery damaging mold and odors while blanketing the cabin with a protective vapor enhancing overall cabin air quality and comfort. Kanberra Gel is currently in use worldwide and is receiving rave reviews from captains, crews and vessel owners who attest it to be a superior alternative to chemical-based products on the market due to its long-lasting performance, ease of use and all-natural properties. Kanberra Gel is packaged in sealed, drip-free plastic containers that are placed either within a yacht’s air handling units, or simply out in the open. In air handling systems, Kanberra Gel continually works as an anti-microbial and anti-fungal agent, killing infecting organisms within the air stream, thus protecting HVAC components such as fan coil units and filters from mildew and mold growth. In testing, Kanberra Gel was shown to remain effective for up to 45 days or more making it ideal for monthly maintenance programs. Because Kanberra Gel offers superior protection against mold, its health benefits are obvious. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) all molds can produce allergens that can trigger allergic reactions, asthma attacks, sinus ailments, and other respiratory problems. Kanberra Gel comes in 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32-oz packages.
Small Boat Storage
Storage of any vessel poses a laundry list of issues. Dampness and temperature fluctuations inside a boat provide a permanent breeding ground for mold and fungus. The airborne spores attack and feed on cellulose and other organic material in the boat, which also causes bad odors. For storage, simply remove the lid and place the Kanberra Gel container on the cabin floor. All interior hatches, cabinets, doors and stowage spaces in the cabin should be left open to ensure the active vapor from Kanberra Gel can reach all areas. Leave Kanberra Gel to work for at least three weeks during storage. The effects should last around 2-3 months. Vaporization will cease if the contents freeze. The process will begin again as soon as the temperature allows Kanberra Gel to thaw. One 4 ounce container of Kanberra Gel is enough for a boat up to 12 feet. One 8 ounce container is enough for a boat up to 40 feet. It is a good idea to place a 2 ounce container of Kanberra Gel in the toilet and cockpit stowage areas.
Kanberra Gel is currently available at select retailers and distributors and the list is growing to include chandleries all around the Great Lakes. You can also visit for more details.